Friday, 1 April 2011

Define BEI and how is it used while conducting an Interview?

BEI refers to Behavioral Event Interviewing

Employers consider at least seven key performance skill areas when conducting a Behavioural Based interview: 
  1. ability to influence others; 
  2. interpersonal skills and competence; 
  3. ability to grow and adapt; 
  4. communication skills; 
  5. level of commitment and motivation; 
  6. organizational ability; and 
  7. problem solving and decision making 

Behavioral Based Question Examples are as follows:

  • Your ability to influence others: Tell me about a time when you were able to overcome resistance to your ideas. Describe the situation. Who was involved? What was the outcome? 
  • Interpersonal skills: Tell me about the most frustrating person with whom you have worked. What made this experience difficult? How did you resolve the situation with this person? 
  • Ability to grow and adapt: Tell me about the last time you were criticized by a supervisor/professor? How did you respond to the criticism? Do you feel the criticism was valid? What did you learn from the situation? 
  • Communication skills: Tell me about a time when you had to work hard in order to fully understand what another person was saying to you. What was the situation? What was the outcome? 
  • Level of commitment and motivation: Describe a time when you faced obstacles in reaching your objectives. What were the obstacle you encountered? What did you do to go around or remove them? 
  • Organizational ability: What do you do to ensure that you meet project deadlines? How do you monitor and track your progress? How satisfied are you with your system of controls? 
  • Problem solving and decision making: Tell me about the most difficult problem or decision you have faced at work. What was the situation? How did you decide what action to take? What was the outcome? 

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