Monday, 11 April 2011

Why do you need to hire an MBA execute for top manager position?

There are a number of reasons why the choice to hire an MBA execute for top manager positions is desirable.

Human resource departments’ main objective is to provide companies with the best employees available. Naturally, HR officers will always pick for executive position an applicant who has the best educational qualifications, and the one with an MBA degree has great chances of being selected over candidates bringing along with them mere 4-year college diplomas. But the question is: Is it really necessary to hire an MBA execute for top manager positions?

This is the question that cannot be answered automatically with a yes or a no, although, of course, many will lean towards yes for obvious reasons. After all, the MBA holder with more years at school will supposedly bring more knowledge and expertise to the company. But that is not necessarily true.
Theoretically, at least, the MBA holder has advantages on his side of the fence. For companies with competent human resource departments, the MBA decidedly gets the extra points but there are other things to consider when deciding who to hire. There are such things as experience, verbal and written communication skills, and leadership, qualities that are not exclusive to MBA holders.

However, there is a tendency now for young professionals who started with a bachelor’s degree to go for higher studies precisely to advance through the ranks. It is expected that once you advertise for applicants for top management position, many applicants will be MBA holders, or least on their way towards getting one.
With all things being equal, meaning that all applicants have MBA degrees and the same experiences, it will be advisable for employers to assess the quality of the degree being presented. There are numerous post-graduate schools, many even offering online studies. Evidently, there will be differences in the quality of training being offered by these schools and it is logical for the good schools to turn out more adequately trained graduates.

One way to assess the worth of the MBA degree being presented along with other credentials is assessing the school that awarded the MBA diploma. The school curriculum provides an excellent basis for assessment. There should be heavy emphasis on leadership, including motivational skills, advanced theories on management techniques, research, and communication — written, verbal, and modern technology related ones.
Definitely, an MBA holder is a good top manager position hire but only when other things are considered in the hiring equation, like experience, leadership, the ability to put the message across forcefully and firmly, and to execute plans efficiently. These things are supposed to be the domains of MBA holders and consequently, they expect to be adequately compensated.

There is no substitute for a homegrown manager. This will eliminate some inconveniences resulting from phase-in periods and possible internal conflicts. Perhaps, the best way to develop future top manager from the ranks is to encourage current employees to take up that much delayed MBA studies. In fact, it is a common practice for companies to give priority to employees taking MBA studies for promotions as part of human resource development programs. It is natural for companies to hire an MBA execute for top manager positions, and what is more advantageous is hiring from within the current rooster of employees.

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